Sharpen, align, buy, sell, chat, have lunch. See you there!
Saturday, December 1st, 11-3pm at Arthur C. Lamb Co., 85 Jackson St, Canton, MA. |
Tentative schedule of NEIYA events for the season.
The schedule depends on being blessed with the basic and necessary conditions for iceboating which include among other things, ice.
See you at the tune-up event. |
The 2012-2013 season NEIYA SWAP MEET and ANNUAL MEETING is in a NEW LOCATION!
Join us October 27 at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Westborough Mass.
Knights of Columbus Hall,
17 Willow Street,
Westborough MA 01581
The Swap Meet begins at 9am in the parking lot, catered lunch starts at 11:30. The Annual meeting and Awards Banquet is held immediately afterward.
In order to make the arrangements we need to know if you're coming, so please go to the NEIYA site to register and reserve your spot.
Bring something to sell at the swap, bring your checkbook for gear upgrades, and be prepared to vote on new officers, discuss the revised bylaws, and catch up with your hardwater pals. Meet people who know the sport and can help get you started. See you at the meeting! more info
The most recent NEIYA newsletter, Black Ice |
Start of 2012-2013 season |
January 6, 2012: Happy New Year. It's been a long wait but there is some sailing this weekend. The action is at Misisquios bay at the top of Lake Champlaign.
The Don “Doc” Fellows Regatta is ON for this weekend
Location Swanton VT Date: January 7- 8 2012
Take RT 89 to Swanton VT Exit 21 Follow signs to RT 78W. Stay on 78 untill you see the bridge on Lake Champlain. The launch is immediately before the bridge on the right side at a state fishing access
Registration opens at 10 Am at the Launch site
Start Time: 11 AM if conditions warrant.
A minimum of 3 races must be completed to be an official regatta. If 5 races are completed, competitors can discard their worst score. There is no Maximum number of races.
Last race will start no later than 30 min before sundown. (4:30 PM Eastern Standard time).
This is a NEIYA event and all competitors must be NEIYA members. (Membership forms available on site, dues = 20$) No Dues, no racing. Period.
Parking brakes required.
Competitors must have liability insurance coverage of 300,000$ (usually a homeowners or renters policy), and sign a waiver prior to racing.
**** Note: The conditions for this event are likely to be good. Currently there is a sailable area 1 X 2.75 miles hard black ice with 0.75” snow on top. Forecast for Sat is a high of 40° F with winds south at 10
Commodore NEIYA
The Tune-up Clinic is an annual NEIYA before-the-ice-comes event.
If you have any interest in the sport of ice boating, this is a great place to learn about it. Informal discussions on alignment, safety, runner sharpening, racing, cruising, whatever, will be going on. We will have coffee, doughnuts, hot dogs, chips etc. Bring something if you would like but it's not necessary we always have plenty.
Open to members and non members, bring a friend that might be interested in ice boating
If you have a jig for alignment or sharpening please bring it, good to see different methods
There will also be an Indoor swap meet, bring gear for sale. North Wind Ice boat will be there with lot’s of new and used stuff. Brian and Doug will be bringing a new BDX12 for sail as well as some new and used gear also. more info |
Saturday, November 12th
11:00 to 3:00pm
At Arthur C. Lamb Co
85 Jackson St., Canton, MA
• Take Rte.95 to exit 11A (Neponset St., Canton).
• Follow up to light, take left onto Chapman St.
• Travel less than 1/4 mile to top of hill look for signs (to Jackson St).
• Turn right and right again 180 degrees onto Jackson St., Do not go over railroad bridge.
• Lamb Co. will be on your left (Beige block building).
If you get lost call 781-389-4681 or 781 828 9797 |
Come to the 2011-2012 NEIYA iceboating meetup
The annual swap meet, awards banquet, and meeting will be located at the Doubletree Hotel in Westbourough MA. The Date for this is Saturday October 29. The Swap meet starts at 10 am, goes to 3. The Luncheon ($25.) and Annual Meeting starts at 12. Bring your dues, too, now $20. more info |
Cool new website from Maine group
Meandering around the web looking at Iceboating sites, check out the excellent new Chickwaukee Ice Boat Club site from mid-coast Maine. There's some great stuff on the site from Jory and Bill, Lloyd, etc.
A 2011-2012 Iceboating Season is predicted!
There's something in the air that calls up distant memories of slamming along on icebourne wind-powered vehicles, just barely in control. Could that time be coming again? This shot of Greg Cornelius, Steve Madden and Steve Duhamel is proof that this has happened in the past.
—photo Ted Amaral |
Start of 2011-2012 season |
So close... |
2-11-11: The Action is at Long Pond Lakeville.
And Mashpee, and L.P. Freetown. In addition to the Big Boat Sain-In, there is going to be a short track race on Saturday, and the Beanpot Regatta on Sunday. This is going to be good.
Feb-12 Big Boat "Sail-In" set for this weekend in southern New England |
This event will most likely be in South Eastern New England and or Cape Cod.
This is not a race. All are welcome to attend. You do not need a big boat to be
a part of this event. Any and all iceboats are welcome. We may set marks and do
some fun racing. For sure a ton of lake cruising!
This is a family event. We would encourage everyone to bring
food, drinks, grills, skates, kicksleds, etc.
Weather forecast looks good so far! Winds look good also.
Keep a watch on here and the NEIYA Ice hotline for details.
NEIYA Vice Commodore, Brian Langley
Sharpen, align, buy, sell, chat, have lunch. See you there!
Saturday, December 4th, 11-3pm at Arthur C. Lamb Co., 85 Jackson St, Canton, MA. |
It's coming! Ted Amaral's photo captures the scene at Ames Farm Inn at Winnipesaukee last Feb.
Tentative Schedule for the Season
Conditions may be elusive, but with the help of the hotline, there will be sailing most weekends after the first of the year. Be careful on that new ice. |
Thanks to John Stanton for initiating this new resource for the club. Go here, and check out photos of the October Annual Meeting.
Steve and James Lamb, Peter Coward extend the season sailing in central Maine. Bill Bucholtz got word of this and joined them.
Bill reports: I don't have to tell this group how exciting it was to see such an expanse of good ice with boats on it after a month of no sailing at all. I rigged up and joined them for an exploration of one of the many fingers of this lake system. The wind was NW 8-10 with occasional dead spots and a few gusts good enough to hike. Peter and I beat north into North Twin Lake and the edge of the sheet. This was it: the end of the ice at the end of the season. We found a few open spots and small pressure ridges. An ice fisherman reported plunging his bar through 15" of rotten ice, but the surface was still very good, about a 5-6, and generally few defects.
Very competetive racing and congrats to Chad Atkins for a job well done. Now carry that to the NAs. Let us know how you did it? Thanks to Dave Fortier, Lloyd R., Dick S. and many others for getting it done. Congrats to Dave Buckley for hanging in there and giving it your all.
--Steve Madden
I started sailing these things when I was nine and sailed my first North Americans out on Elk Lake when I was twelve. I think Henry Bossett won his 7th NAs that year. 20 years later... I finally saved enough to build my own boat and plank, bought some sweet hardware from Steve Duhamel and got lucky that "T" moved about 6 houses up the street from me. "T" thanks, can't wait till next week where ever we end up. I have 2 North Boston sails; an FO-1 (ap) and MS-1 (super speed); runners are 30" 3/16" insert 13" flat and 36" 3/16" insert 18" flat, plank is set 1 hole forward of max back. Practice and 1st race I used the MS-1 and could not punch off the line or hold even when things got tight and/or the pressure was down, blocks were vertical. The rest of the event I switched to the FO-1 and moved the blocks forward (on boom) about 1" or so. Better off the line, got out of some jams and could sail lower same speed with a touch of ease after the top mark. Thanks to all you guys, it's been a lot of fun, fingers crossed for a few more weeks! I'm still learning from y'all. That's how i raced (from what I remember). --Chad Atkins
February 17: If anyone needs proof of iceboat joy at Winnepesaukee, go see some of the fantastic movies that Jeff has produced. |
Recap of New Englands
Jan 30 at Sunapee Lake in NH, the 2010 New England Championships were held the Weekend of Jan 30-31 2010.
The initial site was Sunapee Lake in NH, launching from Dewey beach on the Northwest side of the lake. 13 boats showed up. In the morning Eben Whitcomb and I set the course and waited for the temps to get out of the single digits. After postponing until 1 pm the temps were still in the mid single digits and we abandoned for the day.
We decided to change the venue to Burlington, VT and launch at Sandbar State Park. After several hours of driving we rallied at a restaurant. The inland sea area had awesome hard black ice that went for miles. Temps were still cold but bearable. We were able to set a course about 1.25 miles long, and had 4 races, one of which turned out to be a 4 lapper because we were having so much fun we lost count. Winds ranged from about 10 mph in the morning to around 15 for the last race. It was a good day for quarter inch inserts and a flat sail.
17 boats showed up from representing every state in New England as well as Quebec province and Nova Scotia. In the end, Jim Theiler “T” bounced back from last week’s crushing defeat at the hands of yours truly, unrolled his shiny new MS1 speedsail and preceded to punish the fleet. In second place was local favorite Don Brush, followed by Andre “Pride of the North” Baby in third. Fourth and fifth place went to either Greg Cornelius or Bob Schumacher who tied on points and both beat the other sailor twice. In the end we used a cage match to decide the victor, but the sailors emerged too bloody to tell apart. I am going with Greg for 4th place, mostly because I don’t want him to get Jack mad at me (although we like Bob better).
Apologies to the Canadians since I probably spelled you names wrong, It was kind of hard to read some of the signatures on the sign in sheet
Our intrepid treasurer Henry Capotosto braved the cold all day Sunday and ran the races with the help of John from Long Island.
—Eric Anderson US 5193
February 5, A trailer for under $300!
February 1, From Long Island, the Ronkonkoma Ice newsletter.
Henry Capotosto reports on the New Englands: We had a great day for the New England DN Championships in VT yesterday. A total of 17 boats participated on a plate of black ice that stretched for miles. We had competitors from around the NE, Montreal, QC and Halifax, NS. Details will be posted soon.
The New England Championship Regatta is on for Jan 30 at Sunapee Lake in NH. We will be sailing in the main part of the lake and launching from Dewey beach on the Northwest side of the lake. You will have to google directions to Dewey or check the NEIYA hotline at 508-481-1011
Skippers Meeting is scheduled for 10:45 with a first start at 11AM. The start time may be postponed if the weather is still in the single digits early.
Sunapee received ¾" snow Thursday afternoon but is expected to blow clear in the high winds Thursday night and Friday. Weather forecast for Saturday is temps peaking at 18 deg in the afternoon with wind speeds 12 mph in the morning decreasing to 9-10 by 4 pm. Sunday is High of 23 with wind speeds of 8 mph. Don't forget your nutwarmers. -- Eric Anderson
2010 Doc Fellows Regatta A total of 6 races were held in difficult conditions. It was warm out but the ice stayed hard. Sailing up the western shoreline was the best plan, both upwind and downwind, but occasionally the eastern side or the middle paid big.
There were many lead changes and it came down to the last race when 3 boats had the chance to win. I won the last race and the regatta.
Sail was a 1D power, runners were 3/16 inserts with 15" of flat (slightly dulled), steering runner was a 26" slipper style snow plate. The Mast was set up for easy mast bend for the lighter conditions. I thought that tacking and maneuvering was going to be important so the boat was rigged for that. The key was definitely tactical awareness and finding the wind as opposed to straight-line boat speed. I definitely was not as fast upwind in a straight line as either "T" or Greg Cornelius but the power sail has more grunt when you are trying to accelerate out of tacks and gybes. —Eric Anderson
The 2010 Doc Fellows Regatta is ON for Norton Reservoir in Norton MA, Saturday Jan 23. Most will launch off of Reservoir road On the North end of the lake. Skippers Meeting and registration is at 10:15 on the ice at the startline. Because there are a number of possible launch sites on the lake, the start line will also serve as the official notice board.
First race is 10:30. We will race as many races as possible. It is expected that all competitors will be NEIYA members (you can sign up and pay membership at the event), and you must have liability insurance. This race is open to all DN sailors so if you want to try racing, show up.
Eric Anderson at 860.367.7806(cell)
Location |
Jan 21: The Yankee Championships will be held this Saturday & Sunday on Lake Hopatcong in New Jersey. Notice will be up on the Iceline shortly. If weather on Friday makes for poor conditions (unlikely now) the Regatta will be postponed on the Iceline by 8:00 PM Friday.
The Skippers meeting will be held at 9:00 AM Saturday and we will try to get the first race off by 10:00 AM. Since the wind forecast is better for Saturday than Sunday, we will try to race three races on Saturday. People to help serve as Race Committee are needed. Location |
Jan 14: Easterns Regatta The Eastern Commdore has called for the Easterns to be held On Lake Champlain in VT in the town of Milton which is north of Burlington by about 20 miles. First race to start @ 11:00 with racing continuing through the day. Sunday first start @ 10:00 with no race starts after 2:00. Registration and skippers meeting at the fishing access pits starting @ 9:00. Directions to Van Everest fishing access off Lake Rd. Milton, VT. mapping info: http://tinyurl.com/ya7kq3j
--Eric Anderson
Dec 19: Canadarago was sailed near Cooperstown NY.
Dec 18: Some of the guys are heading to Otter Pond by Sunapee in NH tomorrrow.
Dec 17, Jory and Dickie find some ice.
Grassy Pond, Midcoast Maine. ...from Jory's post: "Dickie and I kept hooting to each other: This is absolutely as good as it gets! As the sun began its long sunset behind the western hills, we stopped for tea, and tried to plan--if the whole gang were to convene here--how to overcome the difficult road access to this ice playground. I'm sure we'll figure something out, unless other large ponds, perhaps Cleary Lake, are also jelled."
"But for tomorrow, in the icy-cold single-digit bright sun, I know one skater who wouldn't be anywhere else." |
Dec 13: Check and post ice reports at Jeff Brown's Yahoo group. Jory, Lloyd, et al. sailed Plymouth Pond in Maine today.
Dec 7, 2009: Ice addict Jory Squibb reports one inch of ice on Lake Becanour near Thetford Mines, Quebec
The tentative schedule of events for the season.
The schedule depends on being blessed with the basic and necessary conditions for iceboating which include among other things, ice. As of December 6th there has been very little hard water sighted in the New England states. Be patient, keep safe. We'll be sailing by the first of the year. |
The NEIYA off-ice clinic is today! Saturday Dec 5. 11am to 3pm (free lunch!)
--The Commodore reports that the clinic was a big success. 40 sailors were exchanging tech info and catching up socially, chowing down on chili dogs. Thanks to all who helped, organized, and came out. |
A young sailor tries on an Ice Opti at the Tuning Clinic.
The 09 annual business meeting, lunch, and swapmeet
Held on a fabulous day, with record attendance. Here Steve Lamb sells a trailer load of old skeeters. They will eventually be sailing fast on the frozen lakes of midcoast Maine. |
Check out Jeff's icespirational "tune-up" video! One of the best ever iceboating videos.
The 2009-2010 season starts with the NEIYA swapmeet, Luncheon, and Annual Meeting at the Doubletree Hotel, 5400 Computer Drive, Westborough, Mass. Saturday, November 7th! This is an important NEIYA meeting, but as you can see from the photo above, it's a casual affair.
If you are interested in the sport of iceboating, iceboating gear, racing, cruising, this is a good place to start finding out about it. Get there around 9:30 or 10am for the swap. Lunch at noon. Annual meeting is after lunch, all are invited. The buffet is 25 bucks. Post Henry Capotosto at HECap@aol.com to make a lunch reservation or call him at 401-739-2894.
Have you called the hotline? Gone to the swap meet? Attended a clinic?
Sign up so we can keep the NEIYA healthy. Here's how to do it.
DN setup, tuning tips, tuning guide, from national champ number 44. |
Congratulations Eric! click here for results
By James "T" Thieler
DN US 5224
As it was kind of a turbulent fall season for me I didn't have a chance (or didn't bother) to work on my gear, train or practice this year but decided to do the Worlds and NAs anyway and just have a good time sailing the course and catching up with the other ice addicts... read entire article |

Jeff Kent's report on the Worlds February
27, 2009: You may have heard about the crash at the Worlds in Michigan.
Jeff Kent has sent some pictures of the accident and promises an insider's narrative of the mishap. Here are 21 rapid-fire pictures of the accident. Hover your cursor over
these numbers to see the crash unfold. |
Jeff Brown earns world speed record!
Sailing on a custom iceboard Freeskate, Jeff's new GPS maximim Speed is 64.6mph (103.96km). He also has a sustained 100m distance run of 63.6mph (102.36 km) which is another record in itself. "I am now ranked #1 in the world for the "freestanding rig icesled class" which covers all handheld windsurfer type craft on ice."
Location was Long Pond in Harwich/Brewster on the Cape, on Feb 12, 2009. Wind was 25-35 knots southwest, temperature was 45 deg on slick hard spring ice.
"I think I could have gone faster if I only had more room, I was limited to half a mile."
Rob Myles & Alex Wadson were also present on Freeskates, hitting speed runs into the mid 50mph ranges as well, now the top worlds GPS ranks in that class. |
Bill Ellis and Jack Frost
We got a note from Suzanne Ellis (DN US 2456) with this pic of her dad, probably on Winnepesaukee. He's now 94 and has fond memories of good times on the ice with the guys. Bill is doing fine and enjoying the newsletters. He remembers Stu Nelson, Jim Bonney, "Jack," Don Kent, Stew Hamel, The Stovers.
Bill says, "Think Ice!"
We have received word that Bill Ellis passed away March 6, 2009 at the age of 93. |

Oct 2012 Black Ice
Nov 2010 Black Ice
Mar 2010 Black Ice
Dec 2009 Black Ice
Nov 2008 Black Ice
Oct 2008 Black Ice
Feb 2008 Black Ice
Jan 2008 Black Ice
Dec 2007 Black Ice
New England
24 hour Iceline
Ice Reports
Winnie the Hard Way
TheNEIYA site
New England IYA forum
Chickawaukee IBC, Maine
Saratoga Lake Ice Report
Hudson River IYC
Montreal IBA
North Shrewsbury IBYC
Four Lakes IYC
West Michigan IYC
Toledo Ohio IYC
Minnesota IBA
